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HDI & New Covid19 Relations

Some country with higher Human Development Index(HDI) might be well prepared than the other country that have lower HDI, or is it?

Before we jump into that conclusion we must understand what is HDI and do a measurement and analytical view to the data of C19 new cases average. What is Human Development Index? It is a term to summarize a measurement of country's Life Expectancy Index, Education Index, and Gross National Income index, it is basically designed to understand how well country's health, education, and national income. based on this some people might be thinking that "The higher the HDI means the better that country when fighting a world problem"​. Now to prove that statement we have to look up to a data and make a chart with 3 variables which is Continent, New Cases Average(Per Million), and Human Development Index.

We started by looking up for the dataset and The data source is from ourworldindata, the data is prepared by removing missing data, after that we have to transfer the data by making a calculation for average of Human Development Index and average of New Cases per million. The calculation can help us comparing a data from each Continent. Using a bar chart we put New Cases Per Million Avg in x, Continent in y, and coloring the bar with Human Development Index Avg and just like that we got a chart to do our analysis.

Based on the chart above we can see that continent of Europe with highest average of HDI above 0.85 compared to other continent but also with highest average of New Cases Per Million(more than 150). Does that means the higher the HDI means the higher the average of new cases per million? If we saw the chart, the continent of Africa with the Lowest average of HDI(dark blue color or around 0.60 or below) has higher average of New Cases Per Million than continent of Oceania with higher HDI average(around 0.70 - 0.75).

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